SADProtocol goes to Hollywood

This research project started when Javier’s wife, our ex…

Release v5.0.0

We understand that security is your top priority, and it is…

Farewell 2023

But the outcome of all that is so rewarding. It only placed…

Release v4.6.2

We're thrilled to introduce you to a series of enhancements…

Release v4.6.0

We are thrilled to introduce Faraday v4.6.0. In this…

Use Slash Command in Slack to interact with Faraday

In this blog, we are going to create a Slack app to allow…

A three-hour session about hacking by our CEO, Federico Kirschbaum

It's true that cybersecurity is primarily something…

Cybersecurity in the Blockchain and Web3 by Federico Kirschbaum

Our CEO Federico Kirschbaum participated as a moderator in…

Release v4.5.2

We're delighted to present to you our newest release,…