Tips Nmap Script Engine

Nmap (Network Mapper) is a popular network scanner that…

Release v4.4.0

In the agent's stepper, we have expanded your options by…

Our co-founder Francisco Amato in Sepa’s night

Our CRO Francisco Amato was part of Sepa's Night. Watch the…

Faraday Vulnerability management platform: a seamless experience

Vuln management users seek to have a general, orderly and…

Release v4.3.5

We are happy to share the latest updates of our…

Web Application pentesting: a guide

In Security, the concept of attack-surface (or attack…

Nuclei: Attack Surface with Faraday

In Security, the concept of attack-surface (or attack…

Automating Security Tasks

In this second part (part one), we will show a step by step…

DevSecOps: a thread

Let's talk about security into the software development…