Expanded Attack Surface: How to Optimize Time and Resources in Cybersecurity

Security teams of all sizes, from large Fortune 500…

Using Faraday API for Vulnerability Management

Within our team, we prefer to focus on specific tasks…

Good practices in Cybersecurity – Part 3

Good security practices go hand in hand with automation,…

Ten years of cybersecurity, a lifetime of hacking.

Faraday was born from the fusion of entrepreneurial spirit…

Good practices in Cybersecurity – Part 2

Nowadays, we can distinguish various branches within a…

Good practices in Cybersecurity – Part 1

Pentesters use a comprehensive and complete toolkit to…

Farewell 2023

But the outcome of all that is so rewarding. It only placed…

Faraday at Ekoparty 2023

Cybersecurity is a large group of people working to make…

Cybersecurity in the Blockchain and Web3 by Federico Kirschbaum

Our CEO Federico Kirschbaum participated as a moderator in…

Release v4.5.2

We're delighted to present to you our newest release,…