June 7, 2023
Bugs and working from home, an interview with Federico Kirschbaum
The research states that the team was "seeking and…
June 5, 2023
Bypassing certificate pinning with Gabriel Franco
Many apps implement a security feature called Certificate…
June 1, 2023
Our founder Francisco Amato in Sepa’s night
Our CRO Francisco Amato was part of Sepa's Night. Watch the…
June 1, 2023
Our CEO Federico Kirschbaum at Buenos Aires City Legislature
After a cyber-attack on Buenos Aires City Legislature's…
June 1, 2023
Faraday Red team goes to Chile with Ekoparty training
The primary objective of this training is to equip students…
May 29, 2023
Faraday Vulnerability management platform: a seamless experience
Vuln management users seek to have a general, orderly and…
April 20, 2023
Web Application pentesting: a guide
In Security, the concept of attack-surface (or attack…
April 6, 2023
Nuclei: Attack Surface with Faraday
In Security, the concept of attack-surface (or attack…