Good practices in Cybersecurity – Part 3

Good security practices go hand in hand with automation,…

Good practices in Cybersecurity – Part 2

Nowadays, we can distinguish various branches within a…

First steps in cybersecurity: scan your domain

Pentesters use a comprehensive and complete toolkit to…

Las Vegas 2023 recap

Another Las Vegas season has passed, and it's been a……

EmploLeaks: Finding Leaked Employees Info for the Win

we developed an internal tool that displayed great…

Tips Nmap Script Engine

Nmap (Network Mapper) is a popular network scanner that…

Our open-source tools go to Black Hat!

We're thrilled to announce that our groundbreaking tools,…

Web Application pentesting: a guide

In Security, the concept of attack-surface (or attack…

Nuclei: Attack Surface with Faraday

In Security, the concept of attack-surface (or attack…

Automating Security Tasks

In this second part (part one), we will show a step by step…