Our COO Martín Tartarelli talks about Vulnerabilities at UCEMA

Last week, our COO, Martin Tartarelli, offered a master…

Faraday at Ekoparty 2023

Cybersecurity is a large group of people working to make…

Meet Faraday at Ekoparty in Buenos Aires.

Bienvenidos a otro año más con Faraday en la fiesta más…

Faraday goes to Mind The Sec in São Pablo

Our Ssr. Researcher, Octavio Gianatiempo, presented his…

A three-hour session about hacking by our CEO, Federico Kirschbaum

It's true that cybersecurity is primarily something…

Cybersecurity in the Blockchain and Web3 by Federico Kirschbaum

Our CEO Federico Kirschbaum participated as a moderator in…

Prioritization by our COO Martin Tartarelli

In his own words, Martin stated, “Attempting to address all…

Las Vegas 2023 recap

Another Las Vegas season has passed, and it's been a……

Federico Kirschbaum on a life in the Argentina hacking scene

“Hacking is a way of doing things, fixing problems, and…

Our open-source tools go to Black Hat!

We're thrilled to announce that our groundbreaking tools,…